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31 So they had to resort to indirect tactics.
32 Why should women resort to such devious tactics?
33 The Peeping Tom was not himself likely in the circumstances to resort to violence, and the constable was certainly not.
34 In extreme situations, it may be necessary to resort to arbitration.
35 Officials fear extremists on both sides may resort to violence to try to derail the redeployment.
36 The same method can not be used for a polymer and one must resort to comparative techniques.
37 If this strategy fails, however[sentencedict.com], you then have to resort to sterner measures in the shape of video floodlights.
38 Plan A obviously wasn't going to work, so we had to resort to plan B.
39 People become so desperate to make contact with beasts and fowl that they resort to going on nature trails.
40 Schools in mid, north east and north west Essex resort to excluding pupils far less than elsewhere in the county.
41 Moreover, the excessive resort to public ownership is a drag on economic development.
42 The largest pair of Stillsons may shift the nuts, but you may have to resort to cutting through the pipes.
43 Indeed, social morality leaders came to believe that earlier marriages would discourage resort to prostitution.
44 Many governments thus resort to financing expenditure through domestic bank borrowing and printing money, both of which are inflationary.
45 The judiciary only resort to disciplinary action in the most blatant cases, where the alternative would make us look even worse.
46 Our technique permits continuous recording from the upper oesophageal sphincter for periods of several hours without resort to sedation.
47 The ability of a resort to quicken the pulse as I approach.
48 With encouragement, a competent amateur can diagnose species and varieties without resort to parsimony analysis.
48 Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and make good sentences.
49 We must therefore resort to more indirect methods, such as the variation with time of copper-alloy composition or technology of production.
50 Even higher organisms resort to fermentation as an auxiliary process when the oxygen supply is insufficient.
51 The Master tried both persuasion and threats but ... was compelled at length to send for a constable and resort to force.
52 In a compliance system, indeed, resort to formal processes is often regarded as a sign of failure.
53 When fighting the good fight against such a reprobate there is no need for critics to resort to dishonesty and excess.
54 To obtain the tensions, we resort to the copper wire again and make up rectangular loops which are sealed by soldering.
55 Similarly young children resort to screaming because they can not use words to describe what they want.
56 Coelenterates will resort to territorial squabbles in the aquarium just as they do in the wild.
57 It does not deal directly with possession of weapons, nor with the legitimacy of resort to war in the first place.
58 If all this fails, you may have to resort to another tactic.
59 In assessing a recent downturn, they refuse to resort to the dissembling language of corporate reports and quarterly statements.
60 With a resort to force, things flourish for a time, but then decay.
More similar words: resort, short-term, eyesore, sort, sort out, consort, resource, resolve, resolute, resonate, tiresome, resonant, all sorts of, resonance, resolutely, resounding, resourceful, resolution, irresolute, sorceress, compressor, oppressor, suppressor, human resources, with respect to, transgressor, natural resources, joint resolution, for the rest, foreshorten.